About Me!

My childhood was a challenge. I didn't live up to the image that children and teenagers had of each other. I was different and it wasn't just because of my height, white skin and red hair. I was not assertive and let everything come over me. Still, I remained there for everyone and I wanted to contribute to everyone in the hope that they would like me, that I would fit in. Yet I was often made wrong.

After this time, a new challenge arose, having colleagues. I also turned out to be different among colleagues. On the one hand, this has brought me a lot. I was quick in work and in learning. I quickly understood how it worked and grew at a rapid pace from cash transfer employee to the right hand of my team manager and even an interim team manager for three years. On the other hand, this generated a lot of resistance. I've been ignored, harassed, scolded for who I was. This has had quite an impact on my body. I have carried a whole load on my shoulders and, in hindsight, pulled a cart that is too heavy. This also resulted in intestinal complaints.

From my introduction to Access Consciousness and the tools that have a positive effect based on energy and a soft touch, I have become aware of not being allowed to be who I was in the past. The past in which I constantly made myself wrong for what was happening around me and how I felt.

Earlier I realized that my body was often stiff and sore, especially my shoulders and back. My physiotherapist indicated that I inherited this from my father, even though back problems due to heredity are not recognized by science. I often thought what should this give when I am 10 years older. I started to look more deeply into nutrition and what effects food has on my body.

Halfway through 2016 a friend introduced me to the products of Rain International. It was clear to my body. My body wanted this! The first things that struck me were that the pain in my shoulders and back decreased, my hay fever complaints decreased and I am much fitter. I can plan several things in one day.

In October 2016 I added Kangen Water to this. This was also a huge contribution for my body. I have not used any pain reliever, antacid, antidiarrhoeal or even hay fever products since then.

In December 2016 the picture was complete. Then I received my first Access Consciousness the Bars as a gift from a dear friend. Access Consciousness has turned my world upside down. It is okay and even essential to the global consciousness and the global changes to be different, to be yourself. I've attended three Bars Classes and twice the Foundation, which has changed a lot for me. A change to consciousness. A change to creating my life instead of waiting for what will happen. Since being introduced to Access Consciousness and getting to know the mind-body relationship, it has become clear to me that making myself wrong and being made wrong is always trying my best to fit in and be seen without result, has had a significant impact on my body.

For me, Access Consciousness, Young Living and Kangen Water is a triangle that contributes to me, which makes me happy. Without Access Consciousness I would never have made the choice to start with Chestnut-Coaching. Thanks to Access Consciousness, I have made choices that I would never have made otherwise.

Every day I learn more about Access Consciousness and how I can shape my life.
I am extremely grateful for this.

Do you want to know more? Can I contribute to you in a certain way? Let me know.